Community Forestry Topics for Investigation

Assignments for you to complete.

Environmental Studies & Natural Resources

What is the ecology of the vernal pool and why it is important? Can you identify some vernal pools in our area and plan an educational class field trip?

What are some artificial nesting structures that are used in suburban/urban environments? Where are they placed? What birds do they attract? Can you construct one as part of your presentation?

What is the process for removing invasive species from woodlots and how are these woods then restored? Can you create a management plan for replacing invasive species with native species from a woodlot near or on, the Aggie Campus? Can you plan and organize a series of volunteer work parties to remove invasives and replant with natives?

What is Citizen Science? What are some projects that you find interesting? As part of your investigation can you investigate opportunities for NCAHS to participate in some research projects? Can you design an ecologically sound green roof garden with Citizen Science components?

What are Social (Environmental) Justice Plantings in the Urban Environment? Can you locate some local areas that may be in need of some Social Justice plantings? As part of your project, can you write a grant to obtain funds for this project?

How can we design urban forests that reduce the effects of climate change? As part of your presentation, can you design a typical housing block that would incorporate these design elements?

How can urban plantings benefit energy conservation, air quality, and water resources? Choose an interesting way to present this information to the class.

What is GIS? How does it work? How can you use GIS to manage the urban forest? As part of your project, can you develop an in depth GIS tutorial for our class?

What are the benefits and costs of urban plantings? Can you develop a cost/benefit analysis for a local community?

What is the Urban-Wildland Interface? How is it managed? Where can we find them locally? Can you lead an educational field trip to one near by?

What are the forest stewardship programs in natural areas in Mass? What are they protecting? How are they organized? Is there one close by the Aggie? Can you arrange a field trip as part of your presentation?

Horticulture & Landscape

What is the history of neighborhood parks and community gardens in the urban environment? How do they effect neighborhoods? What are some really great examples of community green spaces? Can you design a community green space incorporating elements from the best examples? Can you create a slide show showing these examples and how you have incorporated them into your design?

What are the current sustainable trends in domestic gardens, and how do they relate to the urban green infrastructure? Can a sustainable residential or park design and sideshow be part of your presentation?

What are the benefits (ecological, economic, psychological) of planting trees, and other plants, in the urban, suburban setting? Can you give some examples of great urban gardens (landscapes) and tell us what makes them special? How can you present this in an interesting format?

How has stormwater runoff been managed in the past (present)? How is storm water being managed (now and in the future) through sustainable technologies in the urban environment? (green roof, rain garden, vegetated swale, meadows instead of lawn, rain barrels, etc.) As part of your presentation, can you design an urban housing block that incorporates sustainable storm water practices?

Can you choose a void in a local urban space and design an ecologically based planting plan for this site incorporating native plants and plants beneficial to pollinators? Can you contact the community leaders to see if they would like to implement your project?

What is Gorilla Gardening? Why do people engage in this activity? Is this a local phenomenon? Where does it occur? What are the results/consequences? How can you present this in an interesting format?

What are recent trends in urban agriculture?  Choose an interesting way to present this information to the class.

What elements in the urban infrastructure conflict with plantings? How can these conflicts be minimized? What are some technologies that have been developed to benefit plants in the urban setting? Choose an interesting way to present this information to the class.

What are the current career opportunities for foresters in the suburban/urban setting. What qualifications are needed? What would you project for the future of the urban forest and for careers in this area and why?

What is the history of forests in Mass? What do you predict for the future and why?

How do you care for trees in the urban environment? How can you prevent problems through smart tree selection? Which trees perform best in the urban environment and why? Choose an interesting way to present this information to the class.

What is a tree ordinance? Why are they necessary? What are the tree ordinances for your town? Choose an interesting way to present this information to the class.

What are the components of an urban tree assessment? Who does this and why? Can you design a local tree assessment for out class to conduct as part of your project?

How would you design a management plan for street tree plantings in an urban setting (tree species, characteristics & why chosen; age at planting, care of trees over time, etc)? Develop a plan, and cost estimate, for your neighborhood (or the Aggie).

Additional Presentation Options
I have given several suggestion for projects you can produce as a result of your research findings. Some additional options are:

field trip, design & slide show, video, classroom lab experiment or lesson, survey with results, brochure, poster, public awareness campaign, multimedia, video, web site, science experiment, scientific drawings, research report, story, complete a reading list & share summary of books.

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