COURSE OUTLINE for (7381) Landscape Management I (Grade 11)

COURSE OUTLINE for (7381) Landscape Management I (Grade 11)

Department: Plant Science     Instructor: Ms. Martinat

Department Course Description: Landscape Management is a study of the principles and practices of grounds maintenance. Equipment selection and safe operation will be presented along with current trends in the landscape industry; inclusive of turf, hardscapes, trees, shrubs and flowers.

Primary Course Materials: You will be obtaining information from a variety of resources, including books, internet searches, videos, software, pamphlets, handouts & plant walks. You will also learn by implementing industry standards and scientifically based techniques.

Course Objectives:
Obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to operate your own landscape maintenance business. To be successful, it is helpful to know the fundamentals of landscape maintenance and small business management.

Content Outline: Landscape Maintenance

  • PPE
  • Safety Assessment

Equipment operation:
  • ID common equipment used in industry.
  • Complete safety assessments.
  • Demonstrate proper equipment usage.

Plant Health Assessment:
  • Identify damage caused by: insects, diseases, nutrient disorders or cultural practices.

Landscape Maintenance:
  • Edging
  • Mulching
  • Using a blower
  • Mowing
  • Weeding
  • Pruning
  • Fertilizing

  • Color plantings
  • Design an outdoor display; install Christmas greens & lights
  • Potted plants

Scheduling: Create a year round landscape maintenance schedule.

Content Outline: Business Management

Estimating the Costs & Billing the Customer:
  • Conduct a site analysis to determine maintenance needs.
  • Estimate: labor, equipment and rental costs, material costs, disposal costs, overhead, and markup.
  • Calculate the budget.
  • Write a bill for services rendered.

Working with Customers:
  • Create a contract.
  • Develop professional demeanor.
  • Write a guarantee.

Managing Finances:
  • cost estimation
  • balance sheet

  • Create a web site or blog, brochure, logo and business card.
  • Develop and practice your elevator speech.

  • Identify laws that regulate your business.

Major Evaluation Strategies:

Landscape Maintenance Theory & Practice
  • This class is a combination of theory and practice. It is important for you to understand the basic science behind the procedures and techniques you will be engaged in.
  • Information will be presented to you in a variety of ways such as: reading, discussion, group activities, research, writing, illustration, presentations & games. During this time, you will be expected to complete a unit summary sheet.
  • If you do not complete the assignment during class time, then you are expected to complete it for homework. These summary sheets will be collected and graded.
  • Next you will be presented with a quiz on the unit.
  • Once students have passed the quiz, then the class will engage in the lab activity related to the reading/discussion material.
  • You are expected to fully participate in all lab activities. Please see the attached Lab Participation grading chart.

Business Management
  • Over the course of the semester you will be preparing individual assignments that you will compile into a business plan

Final Project: Evaluate a site. Develop a year round maintenance plan, cost estimate, job proposal & contract.

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