Course Outline (Syllabus) for (7313) Botany & Soils (Grade 11)

Department: Plant Science    
School year: 2014 – 2015
Teacher: Ms. Michelle Martinat
Phone extension: 10532
e-Mail (best way to contact me):

General Course Information

Welcome to Botany!  This semester-long course is designed to give the student an in-depth experience in a botany laboratory. Students will develop an understanding of plants on the cellular level as well as investigating plant systems, their functions and ecosystems.


Regular attendance is important.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up missed activities and assignments promptly. For planned absences (including sport activities), students should get the missed assignments prior to the absence and complete on time or make alternate arrangements with me.  If absent on a test day, plan to take the test the day that you return.  See the Plant Science Blog for the lesson plans for days missed along with assignment files and notes.  
Late Assignments, Labs and Projects 

Assignments must be turned in on the due date for full credit. Late assignments will lose 10% for each day late up to 30%. 

Classroom Safety

FOOD and DRINK are NOT ALLOWED in this classroom on LAB DAYS. Horseplay or any other unsafe behavior during a lab will result in removal from the class.

Topics of Study

  • Scientific Method & Using a Microscope
  • The Plant Kingdom & Plant Adaptations
  • Monocot vs Dicot
  • Flowers & Pollination
  • Co-evolution & Plant Ecology
  • The Cell
  • Cell Division
  • DNA
  • Genetics
  • Photosynthesis
  • Growth Responses & Regulation
  • Soil Profile, Composition & Texture; Infiltration & Runoff
  • Soil PH, Fertility & Organic Matter
  • Soil Biology
During Internship: Special Topics Independent Study

Keys to Success

Warning: We will be covering a lot of topics at a very fast pace.
Whether or not there is an actual assignment, there is always Botany to study.  Students are particularly successful when they study the vocabulary and concepts frequently. 
Other strategies that will help you to be successful in Botany include:

  • Maintain regular attendance.
  • Take good notes and keep up to date on your homework.
  • Engage yourself in your learning by asking questions.
  • Seek help when needed.
  • Use a variety of strategies to learn concepts including studying with classmates, using flashcards, and teaching a topic or lesson to another student or parent.
Extra Help  

See me for extra help.  We can set up a time that will work for both of us.  I am often available after school (by appointment).

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