COURSE OUTLINE (SYLLABUS) for (7425) Community Forestry (Grade 12)

Department: Plant Science    
School year: 2014 – 2015
Teacher: Ms. Michelle Martinat
Phone extension: 10532
e-Mail (best way to contact me):

General Course Information:

This course will address a wide range of economic, environmental, regulatory, aesthetic and social issues involving tree care management and its relationship to the local community. Students in this class will gain an understanding of how these environmental science principles are connected to plant health care, plant identification, soil science and botany.

This course will utilize Project Based Learning (PBL) to manage individualized learning experiences. First students undergo a process of thorough research in response to a question, problem, or challenge. Then, based on this research, students create high-quality products and presentations for an audience of peers and possibly community members.


Regular attendance is important.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up missed activities and assignments promptly.

Extra Help:  

See me for extra help.  We can set up a time that will work for both of us.  I am often available after school (by appointment).

Project Management & Grading:

Getting Started:

Students will choose a topic to research, and they will decide what product they will create. For a list of topics and products, please click on the link below.

Students will plan and keep on task with: Project Plans, Task Charts, Checklists, Activity Logs and Contracts. Students may work individually or in groups of two. If students are working in groups, then a group contract must be filled out. If a student is not contributing to the group effort, they can be fired, and complete the work on their own.

Project Duration:

As individual projects may vary in breadth, depth and production times, and number of individuals, students will develop individual time lines. Students may complete one very involved project or a couple of shorter, less involved projects in the same time frame.

Project Assessment:

Throughout the process, teachers and students give and receive feedback and make adjustments accordingly.

Students will be assessed with self and peer assessments.

All finished products will be uploaded to the Plant Science Blog.

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