COURSE OUTLINE for  (7346) Landscape and Garden Design I (Grade 11)

COURSE OUTLINE for  (7346) Landscape and Garden Design I (Grade 11)

Department: Plant Science     Instructor: Ms. Martinat

Department Course Description: Students will design landscapes and gardens using drafting techniques necessary in landscape work including lettering, line work, scale drawings, elevations and profiles. You will learn the design process including design principles, site analysis and working drawings. You will also be introduced to state-of-the-art computer aided design (CAD) techniques.

Primary Course Materials: You will be using a variety of resources, including books and internet searches, to explore the vast array of landscape design and landscape architectural applications. You will be introduced to computer assisted design (CAD) and graphic arts (GIMP) programs and practice using pencils to illustrate presentations.

Course Objectives: This course has four simultaneous objectives. The first and primary objective is to expand your awareness of what landscape design is and to encourage you think critically and evaluate landscapes for their beauty, function and environmental impact. The second objective is to push you to think outside the box and create a design unique to your personal viewpoint. The third objective is to familiarize you with landscape standards. The fourth objective is to teach you how to use tools that will help you accurately plan out your design and convey it to your client.

Content Outline & Major Evaluation Strategies:

First 10 Weeks: Tools and Techniques for Creating Landscape Drawings
You will explore aspects of the design process including: conceptual design, design geometry, the parts of a drawing set and the design team. You will practice using drafting & illustration tools such as: graph paper, rulers, CAD, Sketch-up, GIMP and pencil rendering techniques. At the end of each of these practice sessions, you will have an assignment that you will turn in for a grade.

Last 9 Weeks: Creating a Landscape Design Drawing Package
You will study landscape standards and apply the tools and techniques you have been practicing towards the creation of a: site analysis, scaled base plan, illustrated landscape plan, two cross sections and an elevation. You will also create a slide presentation illustrating your concept and landscape elements. This drawing package will be a complete final assessment.

Weekly Homework Assignments:

Each week you will create a collage presentation. At the final class meeting of that week, you will present your topic to the class. 

2-6 Best Landscape Graphics
9-13 Formal Landscapes
16-20 Winter Break
23-27 Informal Landscapes

2-6 Extraordinary Landscapes
9-13 Favorite Landscapes
16-20 Color
23-27 Line
30 -April 2 Repetition

6-10 Favorite Pathways & Seating Areas
13-17 Favorite Landscape Elements
20-24 Spring Break
27-May 1  Five Favorite Flowering Shrubs

4-8  Five Favorite Flowering Trees

11-15  Butterfly & Shade Gardens

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