COURSE OUTLINE for (7115) Plant Science I (Grade 9)

COURSE OUTLINE for (7115) Plant Science I (Grade 9)

Department: Plant Science     Instructor: Ms. Martinat

Department Course Description: 
This course is designed as a survey of the majors available in our Plant and Environmental Science Program. Students will develop skills that form a foundation for the study of biological sciences. In addition to career exploration, students will learn scientific method, orienteering, and data collection. Students will enhance and build upon these skills by engaging in hands-on laboratory exercises, both scientific and vocational.

Primary Course Materials: Information will be presented to you in a variety of ways such as: reading, discussion, group activities, research, writing, illustration, presentations and games. You will be actively engaged in horticultural activities in the greenhouses, throughout the campus, and in the woodlands.

Course Objectives:
To obtain a basic familiarity with career opportunities that can be further explored through different majors offered in the Plant Science Department.

Content Outline

Ornamental Horticulture Major

Herbaceous plantings:
  • Understand soil fertility and tilth.
  • Define, identify, and cultivate: bulbs, annuals, and perennial plants.

Plant Propagation
  • Seed
    • Propagate and grow annuals and vegetables.
  • Asexual plant propagation:
    • Offsets, division, stem cuttings, layering

Greenhouse Management
  • watering, spacing, weeding, pinching, deadheading
  • Cultural requirements: air, light, nutrients, water

Floral Design
  • elements of design
  • arrangements and corsage

  • pruning
  • harvesting and storing
  • varieties

  • Design a small market garden.
  • cool and warm season; perennial
  • plant and row spacing

  • Binomial Nomenclature
  • Fall color
  • Maple Sugaring

Landscape Management Major
  • Design
  • Installation
  • Maintenance
    • Turfgrass Management
    • Fall Cleanup
  • Landscape Plants:
    • trees, shrubs, groundcovers, flowers
    • Deciduous, evergreen
  • hardscape
  • nursery

Natural Resources Major

  • climate and weather: precipitation, wind, exposure
  • Nature Journals
  • Nature Walks
  • soils, plants and animal signs
  • the water cycle
  • pollution
  • environmental protection

Urban Forestry Major
  • Hazard tree identification
  • ropes, knots and climbing
  • Forest trees identification

Major Evaluation Strategies:

  • This class is a combination of theory and practice. It is important for you to understand the basic science behind the procedures and techniques you will be engaged in.
  • Information will be presented to you in a variety of ways such as: reading, discussion, group activities, research, writing, illustration, presentations & games. During this time, students will be expected to complete a unit summary sheet.
  • If you do not complete the assignment during class time, then you are expected to complete it for homework. These summary sheets will be collected and graded.
  • Next you will be presented with a quiz on the unit.
  • Once students have passed the quiz, then the class will engage in the lab activity related to the reading/discussion material.
  • You are expected to fully participate in all lab activities. Please see the attached Lab Participation grading chart.

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