Management Plan for (7313) Botany & Soils (Grade 11)

School year: 2014 – 2015
Teacher: Michelle Martinat
Norfolk Aggie Phone Extension: 10532
email address:

Course Description:
Welcome to Botany!  This semester-long course is designed to give the student an in-depth experience in a botany laboratory. Students will develop an understanding of plants on the cellular level as well as investigating plant systems, their functions and ecosystems.

Class Rules and Expectations

Regular attendance is important.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up missed activities and assignments promptly. For planned absences (including sport activities), students should get the missed assignments prior to the absence and complete on time or make alternate arrangements with me.  If absent on a test day, plan to take the test the day that you return. 
Late Assignments, Labs and Projects 
Assignments must be turned in on the due date for full credit. Late assignments will lose 10% for each day late up to 30%. 

Classroom Safety
FOOD and DRINK are NOT ALLOWED in this classroom on LAB DAYS. Horseplay or any other unsafe behavior during a lab will result in removal from the class.

Keys to Success
Warning: We will be covering a lot of topics at a very fast pace.
Whether or not there is an actual assignment, there is always Botany to study.  Students are particularly successful when they study the vocabulary and concepts frequently. 
Other strategies that will help you to be successful in Botany include:

  • Maintain regular attendance.
  • Take good notes and keep up to date on your homework.
  • Engage yourself in your learning by asking questions.
  • Seek help when needed.
  • Use a variety of strategies to learn concepts including studying with classmates, using flashcards, and teaching a topic or lesson to another student or parent.
Extra Help See me for extra help.  We can set up a time that will work for both of us.  I am often available after school (by appointment).

Plagiarism Policy:
Students are expected to be honest in all of their academic and vocational work. Plagiarism is defined as stealing or use without acknowledgment of the ideas, words, formulas,textual materials, on line services, computer programs, etc. of another person, or in any way presenting the work of another person as one’s own. This means that they will not engage in any of the following acts:
1. Cheating on examinations,including but not limited to, the non-authorized use of books or notes, the use of crib sheets, copying from other students’ papers, and exchanging information with other students orally, in writing, via cell phone or by signals, obtaining copies of the examination illegally, and other similar activities.
2. Plagiarism is not permitted on term papers, themes, essays, reports, images, take-home examinations, and other types of class work.
3. Falsifications,including forging signatures, altering answers after they have been graded, the insertion of answers after the fact, the erasure of grader’s markings, and other acts that misrepresent the original grade, comments or results of the original submission.
4. A student found guilty of academic dishonesty may be subjected to a full range of penalties including, but not limited to, reprimand and loss of credit for all of the work that is plagiarized. Students should refer to the individual teacher’s Classroom Management Plan for more detail on their individual teacher’s classroom plagiarism policy.
5. A teacher who believes that a student has been academically dishonest in his/her class should resolve the matter in the following manner:
a. Speak with the student or notify them in writing of the concerns. Provide evidence that supports the claim that plagiarism has occurred. The teacher is also authorized to withhold credit for the work tainted by the academic dishonesty.
b. If warranted,the teacher shall file a written complaint against the student with the Principal or Dean of Students, requesting a more stringent form of discipline. The complaint must describe in detail the academic dishonesty that is alleged to have taken place, provide evidence to support the complaint, and must request that the matter be reviewed by the Principal or the Dean of Students.
c. The Principal or Dean of Students will follow due process and determine if further discipline of the student is appropriate, and will determine the nature of the discipline on a case-by-case basis.
d. If the student is not in agreement with the disciplinary action of the Dean of Student or the Principal, he/she may utilize the appeals process to appeal the action to the Principal or Superintendent-Director.

Material Safety Data Sheets:
No materials involving chemical hazards will be used in this course.

I have read and understand the Classroom Management Plan for Ms Martinat's Botany & Soils class. I understand that if I have any questions, comments, concerns, or issues about the class at any time, I can reach Ms Martinat at the contact information above. If Ms Martinat needs to reach me, I can be reached at:


_______________________________________ ______________________________
Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature

_______________________________________ ______________________________

Student Name Student Signature

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