Canopy of Color

by Junior Landscape Designers, Spring Semester

The rainforest canopy of color was a great opportunity to show off how we feel about the rainforest. Our group wanted to convey an experience with  varied shades of green and the hidden colorful gems of the rainforest. Each student came up with their own idea of what the rainforest canopy of color ment to them. The class compromised on a mutual design that incorporated many of the students ideas.

Our final design consists of a lush green feeling created by palms, ferns, and shrubs. We added a colorful element by incorporating flowering plants and wiring in  fresh cut flowers. Rainforests often have ponds and waterfalls. We created this effect by adding a waterfall and a pond.  By adding colorful elements and different greens we created a unique rainforest experience that appeals to all the senses.

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